All of the walls were painted this pale yellow. Don't get me wrong, its a nice yellow, but an entire house in yellow? I think not. Even though we are only renting I HAD to do some painting. I have always steered away from blue, so this time when choosing colors for our mater bedroom I decided to go with something In the pictures it looks a bit purpley (?) but in real life we love it, it's just the right shade. Not too girly, not too masculine. Here is a photo of our MB looking towards the closet/on-suite bathroom.
When we were deciding what to do with the kitchen/living room/dining room of course I had to go with my favorite color, green. It is a pale green with the coolest name, Margarita..of course I picked it! Our ceilings are really high so we painted only about 2/3rds of the walls. We would have needed to rent really big ladders for it all so we left them the pale yellow (you can see it on the breakfast bar in the picture) Here is a picture of the Living room/Dining room and a teeny bit of the open-plan kitchen mid paint job, can you tell I'm short? Just to the right (not shown) is the entrance to the MB.
The view from the Dining room towards the balcony/patio. Saying its a patio is a bit of a stretch because it is quite small, but I did manage to fit perfectly a suuuuper cute vintage ice cream set that my mum and dad bought for us as a wedding gift. I am sure there will be a photo of that on here in the future.
Our awesome open-floor plan kitchen, complete with breakfast bar, dishwasher, and of course wine rack. Unfortunately the cupboard space is minimal but I did manage to fit all of those presents in there and keep them pretty organized. Kudos to me!
And finally our master bathroom. Not that exciting really. I am planning on painting it a really pretty teal color, I already have the paint (I can hear my mom gagging, she despises 50's teal). I think it will look nice with our sort of 'beachy' themed place. Plus I need a little less pale yellow in my life. Unfortunately I do not have any photos of the guest bedroom/guest bathroom but in reality they look exactly the same at the master so you're not really missing much. I probably will put up 'after' photos of them anyway.
Keep checking back because I have a toats awesome tutorial coming up really soon!
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